Sunday, January 9, 2011


Before going into to the controversial discussion of whether or not god exists, let us determine as to why human beings believe in God.As a part of the human nature and the information acquired by an individual since birth, every individual has a tendency to believe that there must be "something else" out there which created us and is watching over us.However, such assumptions are not biologically inherited, they are learnt over time from ones culture and environment.It has been "bred" into human beings, since very early on in life that one must pray to god and be truthful and devoted towards their religion.The reason why i have used the word "bred" is because the way this "habit" of believing in God has been introduced into us, is very similar to the way a cattle farmer or dog trainer would teach the respective animal to behave in a certain, desired way.God and religion is just a tool used to organize and control large populations.Their main function is to control human behavior so that the majority of population is kept under control and it prevents the majority of the population from rising up against the controllers.This enables power to be maintained in the hands of the supreme while the remaining herd just follows.Human beings have a tendency to believe that what they see is not the full picture and they seek to uncover the hidden part of it.The Elites exploit this tendency and instill the Idea of God in ones mind.An individual goes on to seek the answers to various basic, but unanswered questions such as where did one originate,how did the universe begin,when will it end, etc.This void of unanswered questions is filled with the concept of God.God created the earth,God created the Universe and God created us.Thus, the void is filled.However, keeping this void empty is crucial.It gives us motivation to find the answer of some of these unanswered questions which intrigue us the most.This void is the reason why scientists devote their entire lives just to uncover a minute fact about such questions.Creationists have this void filled with the concept of God.The concept of religion, ethics and God has been embedded so deep in their mind that they lack the ability to see beyond it.They are simply individuals who have been tamed by the system and now act as slaves and implement the "rules" of this system.
I say God does not exist.Why do i say this?I say this because i am confident that some deity is not watching over us, overseeing every action of every individual and waiting eagerly to punish the ones who defy him.If he does exist, where is he?Why doesn't he come down from heaven and enlighten, us mortals, with all the knowledge he possesses?Or does he think that civilization is not ready yet?Maybe he is just a bit Sadistic and likes toying around with us.But imagine, if one day,God suddenly appears in front of the entire Earth.Obviously, he would needhave proof of his identity.Would you believe your eyes?It is likely that creationist themselves would not believe that the creator of the Universe has shown himself to all of mankind.What would he identify himself as?Ala,Ram,Jesus or maybe as some other name?If he calls himself "Izanagi"as believed by the japanese shinto tribe, would it mean that every other religion got it wrong all along.Imagine the Pope and Dalai Lama sitting together shaking their heads in denial as to how they could get his name wrong.What then?The Shinto tribe becomes Gods favorite? When is it that God, if he exists, will show himself.The answer-Never, since he does not exist.Then why would every religion believe in such a thing known as God?The possibilities are several.God could be an alien race.God could be human beings who travelled back to the past from the future to boost the speed of civilization.For all we know, God could be an machine.Its impossible to answer.But one thing is clear, for me at least, that there is NO God as described by creationists.One question i have for these creationists-Who created God?.Now, i am sure most of them will answer saying that "God has always existed,exists and will continue to exist for eternity".It means that they believe that God has existed since forever and will exist forever.So why are they so defiant to the idea that the universe has existed since forever and will continue to do so forever, without being created or destroyed?They are unwilling to accept this because God has occupied such a vast amount of space in their imagination and fantasies that he has taken room in their reality and filled the void which is meant to be filled by facts, not make-believe like God.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


What is hope?Hope and faith are two different states of mind.Hope is when one individual prefers a certain outcome over another.It is just relative.Out of the different possibilities a person hopes that the event which is most beneficial to him takes place.This can also be evasive, a person may hope that an event that causes the most harm to him does not occur.Also, hope provides the mind with something to think about else rather than the problem.Faith is the manifestation of Hope.When an individual hopes and believes that an event will occur, regardless of its probability, it is called faith.Faith can be harmful.when someone believes that an event will definitely occur regardless of its probability, it causes the individual to think irrationally and take wrong decisions.Thus, faith is nothing more than a delusion.This delusion can be seen in the individuals who believe in the divine, omnipresent form of God.They believe that god is watching over them, and if they are good then he shall save them from various problems and they shall be given a chance to join him in heaven after death.If not, he shall punish them and they shall rot in hell with his nemesis.Even though they never see an intervention by God, they still do believe in it.We shall discuss more about the belief in God later for now lets just focus on faith.Faith can cause people to act in peculiar ways.Faith can even lead to war and genocide.This genocide is caused by religion, which is a result of the faith in god.Although it may sound very peculiar, an ideal world would be a world free from faith.Dont get me wrong, the ideal world i am talking about is not an emotionless world, just faithless.This world may sound very gloomy but it will not be so.Without faith, science would not be bound to the Bible, knowledge would not be limited to the Pope and Freethinking would not be constricted by the fear of committing sin.Like everything, this has a few drawbacks too.Crime would increase since people would not fear burning in hell for the rest of eternity.There would be a sense of Barbarianism since without the believe in God, an individual would not give much regard to morals and ethics, even though they have nothing to do with god.However, this problem is a minor one since it can be kept in check by changing the way of upbringing accompanied by a well organized system of education which focuses on achieving enlightenment instead of instilling the idea of happiness being related to money and power.Another problem would be that many people would lose their jobs because there would be no need for temples,churches,priests,popes etc.Without faith, technology would boom at a pace unimaginable specially in the life sciences department.Before we know it, people might even start creating new life or even achieve immortality.Some would say that this is opening pandoras box, some monster might just come out, but i'd take my chances with a monster than believing in some divine, omnipresent, all knowing, non-existant diety existing in another world but still somehow affecting our world.